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Alliance Films & The Spadina Monologues present The Submarine Movie Contest!

I made this poster myself, can I get a whut-whut up in dis hurr bitch?

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Alliance Films is proud to present the upcoming release of their new film Submarine, a dramatic comedy about a 15-year-old named Oliver Tate. Oliver has two objectives: To lose his virginity before his next birthday, and to extinguish the flame between his mother and an ex-lover who has resurfaced in her life. Submarine is produced by Ben Stiller and features some rockin’ tunes from Alex Turner, lead singer of mega-rock-band Arctic Monkeys (personal fav, download their new song “don’t sit down cos i’ve moved your chair,” it’s made of wizard juice)!

Alliance has partnered with The Spadina Monologues to give you a chance to win passes to the advanced screening of Submarine on Thursday, June 9th, before the rest of the planet gets a glimpse. As a film critic, I’m always talking about what it’s like to attend press screenings, advanced screenings, and reviewing films. Now is your chance to have the film critic experience. Oh, and did I mention that I will also be at this advanced screening with you? You can tell everyone you’re on a date with me. I won’t deny it. Swearsies.

How To Enter:

I have 19 double passes (yes, that means you AND a friend) to give away. All you have to do comment in the comments section below, and tell me why you want to see this film. But be sure to be creative, because 4 lucky winners who impress me the most with their mad-comment-skillz will also get a copy of the novel Submarine by Joe Dunthorne, which the Independent Review calls, “the sharpest, funniest, rudest account of a periodically troubled male teenager’s coing of age since The Catcher in The Rye.” That’s a pretty glowing review. I never give such high praise (I’m a tough book critic as well). Make sure in your entry to include either/or/both your email address and your Twitter handle so I can notify my lucky winners!

Details and Contest Rules:

Contest closes Wednesday June 8th at noon. All entries must be received by then. No duplicates will be accepted. Imma be tough up in hurrr.

The advanced screening is Thursday, June 9th at Cineplex Odeon Varsity & VIP Cinemas in Toronto (55 Bloor Street West in the Manulife centre). Prize does not include transportation to the venue. The screening begins at 7pm sharp and no latecomers are admitted (overbooked to ensure capacity, and all that). I will be at the cinema for 6pm to hand out the passes and prize packs, but will only stick around until 6:30pm (I wanna get a seat too, ya know). So arrive early!

3SGJ1q on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs
Enter now, movie munchkins!

41 responses

  1. I’d like to go!
    I’m just getting my blog going and more content ideas are always welcome!… The idea I get from this is a list of Canadian Film Bloggers.
    : )

    May 27, 2011 at 8:49 PM

  2. I’d love to be at a movie screener!
    If I don’t make it to the bookstore before June 8, to buy the book, I hope I win the book so I can read it after seeing the movie.


    May 28, 2011 at 5:20 PM

  3. I’ve love to attend a movie screener!
    Looked up the book, and it seems refreshing even though it’s based on a popular archetype! And I just saw an episode of IT crowd by Richard Ayoade – looks interesting!


    May 28, 2011 at 10:50 PM

  4. I’d like to go b/c I haven’t seen you for awhile and I feel I can relate to teenage angst (even at near 30 I still often feel angsty). Plus, I was once a young person who was a virgin and I had a mom w/ many ex lovers…so you know if I had a penis this could possibly have been me…

    Twitter: jessjeanmyers

    May 28, 2011 at 11:48 PM

  5. I want to see this movie because I am a sucker for these coming of age dramas. Every so often one is really special and you’re a different person because you saw it – Rushmore and Welcome To The Dollhouse are two stand-out examples.

    That’s why I want to see the movie. I want to go to this particular screening of it because it looks exactly like the kind of thing where if I was going to see it, it would want to see it with Christine who I can talk to about certain kinds of art movies better than anyone else I know. I think this could be a fun memory to share with a bunch of the best people I know – that tweet-up for Submarine Christine organized that time that was awesome.

    Pick me pick me!

    May 28, 2011 at 11:54 PM

  6. I’d love to see the Submarine for 2 reasons:

    1. With the movie being presented by Ben Stiller, I would hope to see Oliver pull off Blue Steel.

    2. Growing up, I loved the book, The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, and this is a very strong reminder of that story…would be great to see how they compare. (They made Adrian Mole into a TV series: http://youtu.be/FPaDlOsAsGs)

    And that is why I would love to see this movie 🙂


    May 28, 2011 at 11:57 PM

  7. I haven’t reviewed a movie via press screening since my college Journalism days at Sheridan.

    So why do I want to go? I like a good old, coming of age tale, I was a late bloomer at 18. Specifically, whoa this feels awesome after touching a nice “c” cup of breasts.

    Also, I am a harsh critic of movies. I like auteur film work along the lines of Wes Anderson, Woody Allen and Sofia Coppola. If I review a film that is terrible I use a brand of sarcasm and exaggeration on how amazing it was.

    Additionally, 55 Bloor is a sexy movie theatre. They usually play limited release movies that I enjoy, such as recently Mel “Is he racist? Is he a homophobe? Does he really hate the jews?” Gibson’s 2nd somewhat comeback The Beaver.

    In conclusion, to digress Banksy is awesome and totally not a phony or would he be a phony in Holden Caulfield’s eyes?

    That’s my sell.

    Twitter = RebelRebel83

    May 29, 2011 at 12:01 AM

  8. I enjoy talkies. This one is a talkie, right?

    May 29, 2011 at 12:02 AM

  9. I want to see this film because Christine Estima recommends seeing it.

    May 29, 2011 at 12:13 AM

  10. Brian Froud

    I’m convinced that director Richard Ayoade is actually my father. I’d like to go see Submarine so that I can play catch with it.

    May 29, 2011 at 1:41 AM

  11. I’d like to go see Submarine because of Sally. Motherfucking. Hawkins. She’s a Mike Leigh alum, she’s a feminist superstar in Made in Dagenham. She looks like the chav girl in Layer Cake. She’s the quirky mom to the quirky son in this movie. My new mission in life is to watch every movie of hers. 😀

    May 29, 2011 at 11:02 AM

  12. Bram Benderoff

    I’d be thrilled to see a screening of submarine! I’m interested especially because Richard Ayoade directed my favourite episode of Community this season and I trust that he’s a great filmmaker as well.

    Also the trailer made it look very quirky and funny. Similar to why I enjoy the films of Wes Anderson. Really excited for this movie! And it’s British. Who doesn’t like that? 😛

    May 29, 2011 at 12:50 PM

    • Bram

      twitter: bramb600

      May 29, 2011 at 5:11 PM

  13. Genevieve Walker

    It’s the Welsh Rushmore ie. hotter accents and darker humour. Sign me up!

    May 29, 2011 at 2:55 PM

  14. i love movies and books about male entitlement (i’ve read parts of submarine, i want to read more but you know, canadian literature janitorial duties get in my way a lot) cos there is not enough cultural content about men trying to get things and dreams and thinking about themselves and the people who they disturb with their disturbing coming of age stories.

    i hope there are some women in this film too and that they are properly developed and named and are given names etc., and what else, i want to be more mainstream and this is a perfect opportunity for me to show the world that i can enjoy things like water, lady gaga, tacos and other mainstream properties.

    and i’m being totally serious.

    May 29, 2011 at 4:32 PM

  15. Cosmina

    I read the book and really enjoyed it and I’d like to see how it was adapted to screen. Also it’s a British cast. Nothing beats a British accent!! :p

    May 29, 2011 at 6:17 PM

  16. I want to see this because I love coming of age stories.. and I love stories involving sex even more! 😉

    May 29, 2011 at 6:45 PM

  17. I would like to go because I remember my own teenage days of loneliness, angst, confusion and – sometimes, mostly on weekends, – despair. So I retreated to reading books like Catcher in the Rye, Bright lights, big city, Orlando, Clockwork Orange, Fanny & Zoe, the perks of being a wallflower and more. THAT and I want to talk to you about literature.
    PS. @thekarin

    May 29, 2011 at 8:21 PM

  18. Erika

    Would love to see this movie so I can relive those awkward teenage years with laughter and be soooo relieved I don’t have to deal with it anymore!! Although I still manage to get myself in awkward situations. Whoops!

    May 29, 2011 at 10:33 PM

  19. I want the ‘Submarine’ pass for two reasons.

    2) I was stuck working during TIFF and couldn’t get to a screening but once I saw Richard Ayoade in a hallway and ran after him foisting a bottle of wine on him.

    2) Richard Ayoade is my hair idol. I know he’s not in the movie but MY GOD I know I’ll be able to feel his fantastic hair flowing artisticall through every frame, right? I think so.

    Cameron maitland

    May 30, 2011 at 10:16 AM

  20. I also missed Submarine during TIFF because I went to see…

    Never Let Me Go
    Wasted on the Young
    It’s Kind of a Funny Story
    Dirty Girl
    Norwegian Wood
    Solitude of Prime Numbers

    ..instead. So it feels like there’s a big hole in my pretentious messed-up-youth film repertoire.

    Ok, ok, fine, it’s my own damn fault for missing Submarine, but I’d still like to see it 🙂


    May 30, 2011 at 12:51 PM

  21. Kristian

    Coming-of-age films are easily one of my favourite genres. There’s nothing cooler than seeing an account of how somebody else grew up, accompanied by a nice sound track (yeah Arctic Monkeys!), and some hopefully great cinematography.

    Plus the fact that this kid has “two goals”? Hilariously cute. (Can I say cute? He’s 15; maybe that’s too old for “cute”).

    Anyways, yes, this looks like it’ll be good fun. Fingers crossed ;P


    May 30, 2011 at 3:46 PM

  22. Daniel G

    I’d be thrilled to see a screening of submarine! I’m interested especially because Richard Ayoade directed my favourite episode of Community this season and I trust that he’s a great filmmaker as well.

    Also the trailer made it look very quirky and funny. Similar to why I enjoy the films of Wes Anderson. Really excited for this movie! And it’s British. Who doesn’t like that? 😛

    May 30, 2011 at 6:34 PM

    • Bram

      You didn’t write that, Daniel.

      June 7, 2011 at 4:31 PM

  23. Jing

    I’d love to see this movie because I’m a sucker for any coming-of-age drama of an awkward teenage boy meets cute witty girl.



    May 31, 2011 at 3:42 PM

  24. Ben Stiller. Arctic Monkeys. Based on a book that has been compared to THE CATCHER IN THE RYE!!!

    Nuf said.

    In your 433 blog post, you got me sold on the film, the book and on your website. You rock.



    June 1, 2011 at 12:27 AM

  25. Tania Nardandrea-Isakovic

    I wanna see this with you so we can hold hands in the movie theatre.

    And I want the book so I can remember the time we held hands in the movie theatre every time I read it, which will be at least weekly.

    I’m romantical like that.


    June 1, 2011 at 3:17 PM

  26. I’d love to go on a mass date with you!

    My reasons aren’t that creative: I just have a major soft spot for indie films about misfits, outsiders & the perpetually awkward. Oh & we’ve met so you know that I’m not creepy! 🙂

    June 1, 2011 at 4:13 PM

  27. I’d share my popcorn with you baby. I’d also let you touch me for 3 minutes anywhere you’d like.

    June 1, 2011 at 4:55 PM

  28. Rebecca Chua

    Count me in! I’d like to be a submarine.

    June 3, 2011 at 3:04 PM

  29. Jason Fung

    I have no idea what this movie is about, but I love winning things. 😀

    Plus, I’m eating a sub right now. How can I not like this movie!


    June 3, 2011 at 5:07 PM

  30. I’ve been excited for this film since TIFF, but sadly did not get a chance to see a screening during the festival. I plan on seeing it Friday anyway, but getting a screening pass will save me and my plus one $26.50 to be able to have a ~fancy night out~ ifyouknowhatimean. Plus, you know, Richard Ayoade.

    June 3, 2011 at 7:20 PM

  31. Jonathan Giggs

    Sounds like an interesting movie and love winning things.

    June 5, 2011 at 2:30 PM

  32. Cassie

    I think you should pick me because:

    a) I have never been to an advanced screening of a movie before. It would make me feel special.

    b) I love comparing books and movies (though I usually read the book before viewing the movie). If I win I will definitely be purchasing the book in order to make the comparison.

    c) I just scored my first big girl career job. So I think a night out at the movies would be a nice way to celebrate. Help me make it happen! 🙂

    June 5, 2011 at 11:36 PM

  33. Pingback: don’t sit down ‘cos i’ve moved your chair «

  34. Kelly DeWolf

    I want to see The Submarine because I haven’t been to the Movies in months and LOVE coming of age movies!

    I also feel like I don’t enter enough give-aways because I think I’m not going to EVER win!

    Fingers crossed!!

    June 6, 2011 at 2:02 PM

  35. Angela

    I think you should pick me because:

    As a small child, I used to play submarine in a cardboard box. I like coming of age films bc they make me feel nostalgic (even though I’m only in my early 20s) and I would harm a small child for these tickets. Thanks!!

    Twitter: @angelakhar

    June 6, 2011 at 5:01 PM

  36. George

    i like submarines in boat form and in sandwitch form. thanks…..and oh yeah movie form

    June 7, 2011 at 3:54 PM

  37. This one time I saw a film and I liked it. That was a good experience for me and I’d like to have the opportunity to relive it. Also, I’ll save you a seat, but if I do that I’ll definitely tell people it was a date.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-P96cYa0af0 (I like to pretend he’s saying Submarine)

    June 7, 2011 at 9:18 PM

  38. Lisa

    I teach Grade Eleven English at a local high school and we’re just wrapping up the semester. We did an entire coming of age unit: we read Miriam Toews’ A Complicated Kindness as a class, they each had to read a coming of age novel to write a comparison essay, AND they each watched a typical teen movie and presented their analysis to the class. Long story short, I’m always looking for new coming of age/teenage drama movies to show! Support education in Toronto and your future readers by giving me a chance to see an awesome movie for free! Cause I already spend way too much money on those little buggers.

    June 11, 2011 at 5:59 PM

  39. Pingback: my so-called Submarine «

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