"Blogging isn't journalism, it's graffiti with punctuation."

Posts tagged “brick lane

Hunting #SpaceInvaders in London: my latest in @VICECanada

Many of you know I’m a huge fan of Invader. I have a whole category dedicated to him on this here blog, of all the times I’ve photographed his work around the world. This goes back yeaaaarrrrrssss. I love a good graff-hunt, and he is the epitome of that. In any case, I sold another essay to VICE in partnership with Travel Nation about hunting ‘Vaders specifically in London using the Flash Invaders app to maximize my huntin’. Read all about it here. All the photography published in the piece is also mine!

I’ve been publishing a lot of pieces lately, so scroll down this blog to read more of my stuff in various publications. And don’t forget to check out the official Christine Estima dot com for more!

2014 was the GIF that kept on GIFing

By the time you read this, I will already be out gallivanting through New York City, Brooklyn and Queens, hunting Space Invaders, Banksys, Hanksys, Swoons, and many more of my favourite street artists. I am here for a month, housesitting in the Upper West Side. I end this year the way I began it: on my own terms, and travelling. I have never been more free.

And I win.

Enjoy some of my greatest goofy 2014 hits, in GIF form!

Rolling my eyes at the Berlin Hauptbahnhof, leaving Germany for the last time.

Dancing on the streets of Bonn.

Warsaw’s Palace of Culture and Science, built by… uh… Stalin.

The best Klezmer band in Brussels right outside my window!
(hit the volume button on the bottom right corner of the vid)

The Berlin eyes have it.

The ghosts in Shoreditch’s windows

Art imitates life imitates art.

Guns in Copenhagen are beating like hearts.

Brick Lane street art goes largely ignored. (It says, “If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.”)

Where’s the Space Invader?

I like to call this one, “Ew, I smell that, was that you?”

I like to call this one, “Oh is that really what you’re wearing? How…  brave…”

I like to call this one, “Is that a bee or a fly?”

I like to call this one, “I just had a small stroke.”

How I talk to Cats (part 1), filmed whilst housesitting in London.

How I talk to Cats (part 2), filmed whilst housesitting in Copenhagen

How I talk to Cats (part 3), filmed whilst housesitting in Enkhuizen (the Netherlands)

Now let us go out of 2014 with a bang, just like we did in Paris…

Goodbye 2014. I hope I never see you again.

The Han Solo of Brick Lane

I don’t know who put up this big mural in Brick Lane, but in the immortal words of Han Solo, “Great shot kid! Don’t get cocky.”

Mmmmmm, Harrison Forrrrrrrrrrrd.

The Heart of Jimmy C

Jimmy C aka James Cochrane, I’ve been photographing his stuff around the world for years… New York, Paris, London. He always produces really captivating work that is also a tour-de-force in detail, attention, style, and commitment. Gotta love an artist who doesn’t just tag and run. His dot-matrix style of street art takes TIME.

Check out my James Cochrane category for more of his work that I’ve photographed.

Don’t take your toys inside just because it’s raining

Silence is a source of great strength

Found this on Redchurch street in Shoreditch 🙂 I’ve tried to find some information on the artist, LAQ, but coming up empty. Any tips? I need to contact this artist because THEY SPELLED STRENGTH WRONG. For a writer like me, this is so frustrating, hahahah!

I mean, c’mon dude! It’s T-H, not H-T!


I grew up all twisted

We are all made of stars

Found this off of Brick Lane.

If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament

One of my New York fav’s Olek put this up on Brick Lane for International Women’s Day.

I love yarn-bombing and guerilla knitting!

Brick Lane is a pretty Asian-Indian-Pakistani-Bangladeshi area, so it’s great to have such a strong pro-choice statement amongst people who historically haven’t had access to abortion or women’s rights.

We don’t need no thought control

C215 killed the cat

Check out my C215 category for more of his work that I’ve photographed around the world 🙂

Just look at this

You’ve seen my latest Street Art short film from London, now look at some of the photographs…. in case you didn’t get quite a good enough look during the film:)

ha ha ha.

More to come!